(For 6 People)
6 green bell peppers, seeded
100 g sea bass fillet
1 tomato, grated
1 onion, finely chopped
120 g of rice
60 gr Butter.
2 tbsp peanuts
1 tsp allspice
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Melt İçim Butter in a large skillet. Sauté the onions and rotate the finely chopped sea bass fillets with the onions. Wash the rice in a bowl, drain the water and add it to the mixture. Add the tomatoes and spices to the mixture. Fill the peppers with the mortar you prepared, wrap them, place them in the baking dish. Drizzle 1 tea glass of boiling water and the remaining olive oil on top and cook for 15 minutes on low heat.
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